Thursday, March 27, 2008

Go deeper with MIS

well...well..u're back right...

Below, detail for MIS ( Management Information System ), hopefully can assist you for clearer view about this subject.

  • MIS, in our faculty the code is IES 31025.

  • Objective : To understand MIS and IT's rule in present industry for facing globalization era.

  • Syllabus : Introduction to MIS, MIS/IT as competitive advantage, IT and e-commerce, Database and Database Management, System Analysis and Design, MIS and Relationship with RQM and QS, CBIS, Decision Support System, Executive Information System, Marketing, Manufacturing Information System, Financial, Human Resource Information System.

  • Source :
    1. McLeod, Management Information System, 10th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
2. Lucas, Information System Concepts for Management, McGraw Hill, 1994

  • Lecturer : M. Dachyar ( Ir, UI, MSc, VU Brussel, Belgia )

Until now, we've done several tasks in this MIS subject :

1. Journal of Information System
2. Journal of Knowledge Management
3. Journal of e-commerce and EDI
4. Personal blogspot publishing
5. Journal of System Analyst and Barcode's history
6. Journal of Business Process

By collecting, reading and resuming these journals can enhance my knowledge about MIS and those applications. In my opinion, future trend will be major related to information system, so these tasks are today step for tomorrow..

If you have something to share or discuss related above subjects, do not hesitate to submit your comment. E-discussion.....why not ?

For next task, it will be about MS-Access...well guys...lets do it !


Andriano said...

blog nya lumayan daripada lumanyun..
tapi sayang fotonya itu loh ga ada yang lebih jelek lagi ap....

overall : good informations

Ridho said...

Kode matakuliahnya gak salah tuh?!?!?
IES 31025 atau IEE 41037E ...???
Sumber kesalahannya di mana yach...?!?!?

ONY Inc said...

Nice Blog ya...
rony tea

syahabudin said...

nice eyes baloxs...

Agung Prehadi said...

Yes i am clear. Nice blog. To your article you could add further discussion for each assignment.
Good luck for forthcoming
midterm exam.

Trisna Yuniarti said...

singkat but informasi bgt

The Special One said...

bullseye...!!that's a word for your posting about MIS. Nice chick, congratz..

- FiNa FiRdie - said...

creative article!

Mr. Dicky Martono said...

Nice blog.

Focus information contents.

Anonymous said...

السلام ءليكم ورحمة اللة وبركات
good resume ito.Use indonesian language more functional.

Andi said...

welll....well....that's good enough, my student!!!!

Rahadian Matris said...

setelah baca, jadi pengen discuss mengenai MIS bareng nih...

Unknown said...

well...well..u're back right...
ok bangets deh artikelnya sama tampilannya juga..

oke cusss