This post is send via my mobile device SAMSUNG SGH E-730.
Here are the steps :
Firstly, make sure you have the mobile device, activate MMS/GPRS, and last but not least you must have credit ( PULSA boss..) in your SIM Card..hehehe
1. Send blank email to go@blogger.com from your mobile device, via MMS or GPRS
2. You will received notification code at your email
3. Activate your code by signing to www.go.blogger.com ( you can do this through PC )
4. After activation succeed, choose the blog that you want to post ( pay attention at this step ! )
5. Try to make new posting by send the email from your cell phone to go@blogger.com
6. You will received success posting report at your email and the post will appear on ur blog...
Easy, huh ?
But, I have doubt for this mobile posting:
1. There is no differentiation which post is submit via PC or cell phone
Coz the appearance is same and you still can edit your cell phone's post through PC.
Maybe, mobile posting is made for easier posting, when you away from your PC..
Any suggestion ?
Go mobile.....Thanx...
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